Head of the Chair

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Juhre
Chair of Computational Mechanics
05/2003 - 10/2005 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Mechanik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Reese) |
11/2005 - 12/2008 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Festkörpermechanik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Reese) |
12/2008 | Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. des Fachbereichs Maschinenbau an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Titel der Arbeit: "Thermo-mechanical modelling of shape memory alloy structures in medical applications" |
01/2009 - 03/2010 | Stellvertretender Leiter der Abteilung "Simulationsverfahren und Kontinuumsmechanik" am Deutschen Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., Hannover |
04/2010 - 10/2016 | Leiter der Abteilung "Simulationsverfahren und Kontinuumsmechanik" am Deutschen Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., Hannover |
09/2013 - 12/2018 | Juniorprofessor für "Numerische Materialmodellierung" am Institut für Mechanik der Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg |
seit 01/2017 | Geschäftsführender Herausgeber der Zeitschrift "Technische Mechanik" |
seit 01/2019 | Universitätsprofessor für "Numerische Mechanik" am Institut für Mechanik der Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg |
Current projects
Modular peristaltic surface conveyor with AI based digital twin for polybags
Duration: 01.04.2024 bis 31.12.2027
The Modular Peristaltic Surface Conveyor (MPSC) is an entirely new device that conceptually enables the separation and sorting of flexible small packages (polybags) for the first time, providing an alternative to costly manual processing. For the first time, alongside the development of the actual MPSC, an AI-based Digital Twin (DT) is to be developed, which, based on AI-optimized simulation models, will allow predictions of system behavior and automated parameterization of the actuators and sensor data processing.
Integration physikalisch motivierter Materialmodelle für gefüllte Elastomere in Mehrkörpersimulationen hochdynamischer Systeme
Duration: 01.05.2024 bis 30.04.2027
Das DFG geförderte Forschungsprojekt setzt sich zum Ziel, die numerische Prädiktionsfähigkeit für technische Systeme zu erhöhen, indem eine ganzheitliche Simulationsmethodik implementiert wird, die eine effiziente Kopplung zwischen einer Mehrköpersimulation und einem nichtlinearen FE-Modell ermöglicht. Eine Erweiterung des physikalisch motivierten dynamischen Flokkulationsmodells wird dabei genutzt, um das nichtlineare Materialverhalten elastomerer Lagerelemente vollumfänglich und präzise abzubilden. Dabei stehen vor allem die Eigenschaftsänderungen der Lager unter mehrachsiger Belastung im Fokus, welche bei derzeitigen Modellierungsansätzen häufig vernachlässigt werden. Da die Einbindung eines detaillierten FE-Modells zu einer Steigerung der notwendigen Rechenressourcen führt, werden in diesem Projekt verschiedene Detaillierungsstufen der Solverkopplung implementiert und analysiert, mit dem Ziel eine Reduktion der Rechenzeit unter akzeptablen Genauigkeitseinbußen zu erlauben. Die daraus resultierenden unterschiedlichen Komplexitätsstufen der entwickelten Methodik werden mit den herkömmlichen Modellierungsstrategien umfassend verglichen. Es wird eine Bewertung der einzelnen Kopplungsstrategien bezüglich des Implementierungs- und Parametrisierungsaufwands sowie der physikalischen Interpretierbarkeit und der erforderlichen Rechenressourcen vorgenommen. Dabei werden die entwickelten und validierten FE-Modelle basierend auf dem DFM auch auf ihre Eignung hin untersucht, in welchem Umfang und mit welcher Zuverlässigkeit sich einmalig bestimmte Materialparameter auf weitere Geometrien und Belastungsszenarien übertragen lassen. Abschließend findet eine Beurteilung der Genauigkeit aller untersuchter Strategien zur Kopplung der FEM und MKS mit Hilfe von Versuchsergebnissen realer Applikationen statt. Die Einbindung der FEM in die MKS erfolgt dazu sowohl direkt über verschiedene Solverkopplungen als auch indirekt durch die Generierung eines Kennfelds bzw. eines Surrogate-Modells mit Hilfe des FE-Modells zur Nutzung innerhalb der MKS. Als erstes Anwendungsbeispiel dient eine Laborzentrifuge, deren Schwingungsamplituden sowie Betriebsresonanzen gemessen und mit den numerisch erzielten Ergebnissen der jeweiligen Kopplungsstrategien verglichen werden. Des Weiteren wird die entwickelte Methodik im Rahmen einer Schwingungsanalyse von Fahrwerkskomponenten eines Elektrofahrzeugs angewendet und validiert.
26591_ SOFINA -Simulation-based optimization of flow diverters for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms
Duration: 01.04.2023 bis 31.03.2026
The aim of the project is to research ways of optimizing the fluid dynamic treatment of intracranial aneurysms in order to shorten the occlusion time, reduce the need for follow-up treatment and eliminate the risk of ruptures. To this end, novel neurovascular implants with improved flow-modelling properties are to be developed (target values: locally reduced porosity, optimized adaptability to the anatomy). Possible individualized solutions include the further development of braided structures or the use of novel polymer nonwovens on the support structure. On the other hand, "intelligent" software tools are being developed that enable improved planning and implantation based on virtual catheter guidance through complex 3D vessel models of patients. Deformation states of both the catheter and the crimped implant are simulated on their way to the brain aneurysm. In addition, a blood flow simulation is carried out to assess the effectiveness (intra-aneurysmal thrombosis) of the implant. The results will be used to provide interventionalists with information on handling the implant before and during treatment. Such software enables targeted optimization of the implant properties, for example to achieve localization-dependent reductions in velocity and vertebral strength of up to 50 % compared to the untreated state.
Strategien zur dynamischen Adaption der Diskretisierung basierend auf höherwertigen Übergangselementen für die Analyse von Wellenausbreitungsvorgängen mittels Hochleistungsrechnern
Duration: 01.11.2023 bis 31.10.2025
Methoden der adaptiven Netzverfeinerung (AMR) sind in vielen industriellen und auch wissenschaftlichen Anwendungen unbedingt erforderlich, um den numerischen Aufwand zu reduzieren und dadurch komplexe Problemstellungen überhaupt erst handhabbar zu machen. Betrachtet man jedoch die gegenwärtige Literatur zum Thema AMR, kristallisieren sich einige Unzulänglichkeiten heraus, die noch gelöst werden müssen. Um eine lokale Netzverfeinerung zu erreichen, müssen entweder hybride Netze bestehend aus Simplex- und Tensor-Produkt-Elementen oder Zwangsbedingungen genutzt werden. Beide Ansätze führen jedoch unweigerlich zu lokalen Genauigkeitsverlusten. Darüber hinaus werden in industriellen Anwendungen oft lineare Ansatzfunktionen verwendet, weshalb nur eine algebraische Konvergenz erzielt werden kann. Im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld gibt es selbstverständlich auch Ansätze für eine vollständige hp-Adaptivität. Diese Verfahren sind aber aufgrund ihrer Komplexität in der Implementierung auf Netze mit einem hängenden Knoten pro Elementkante/-fläche ausgelegt und weisen Schwächen in der Anwendung auf hoch dynamische Prozesse (explizite Zeitintegration) auf, da diagonale Massenmatrizen nicht verfügbar sind. Anzumerken ist, dass im Vergleich zu einfachen h-Verfeinerungen aber exponentielle Konvergenzraten erreicht werden können. Die genannten Probleme können durch höherwertige Übergangselemente, die auf der Basis der sogenannten gemischten (transfiniten) Interpolation hergeleitet werden, leicht beseitigt werden. Die Elementformulierung beruht auf Vierecks- bzw. Hexaederelementen im Referenzgebiet und kann beliebige Diskretisierungen miteinander koppeln. Im Prinzip können verschiedenste Elementfamilien gekoppelt werden, die sich nicht nur in Größe oder Ansatzordnung unterscheiden. Da der Funktionsraum nicht durch Zwangsbedingungen eingeschränkt werden muss, müssen auch keine Kompromisse hinsichtlich der Genauigkeit eingegangen werden. Für hochfrequente, transiente Berechnungen werden in diesem Projekt außerdem noch geeignete Methoden zur Diagonalisierung der Massenmatrix erarbeitet. Die entstandene Elementfamilie bildet die Basis für dynamische Netzverfeinerungen. Das besondere Merkmal dieses Ansatzes ist die gezielte Kombination von Verfeinerungs- und Vergröberungsschritten, die in jedem Zeitschritt der Simulation ausgeführt werden. Damit können optimale Konvergenzraten unter möglichst geringem numerischen Aufwand erzielt werden. Um die Effizienz der entwickelten Technik weiter zu steigern, werden die Algorithmen für Hochleistungsrechner aufbereitet. Die herausragenden Eigenschaften der vorgeschlagenen Methodik werden an ausgewählten Beispielen der Wellenausbreitung verdeutlicht. Dazu werden die kontinuierliche Strukturüberwachung mittels geführter Wellen in mikrostrukturierten Materialien und die Analyse seismischer Aktivitäten genutzt.
26088_ Design and evaluation of a novel dynamic ankle-foot orthosis using silicone/SMA materials
Duration: 01.10.2022 bis 30.09.2025
Ankle-Foot Orthoses (AFOs) are those devices used for rehabilitation of a pathological gait, which is caused for instance by a stroke. This research aims to design, model, simulate, manufacture, and test a novel AFO, which is designed to ensure ease of use, freedom of movement, and high performance for high-level activities at relatively low costs. Research problems are inherent in the increasing demand for AFOs based on polymers, which have relatively low biomechanical properties and may cause skin sweating and irritation in the long term. Furthermore, there are problems related to the high costs of recent AFOs made of advanced composites or carbon fiber, the market needs (orthopedic workers) and users alike, and the necessity of a novel AFO that meets the demands and helps to produce orthoses for fitting each patient. Therefore, orthotists could save time and obtain a more convenient AFO prototype, which helps them in patients' treatment.
This study includes, from an applied point of view, the design, modeling, and simulation of a novel ankle-foot orthosis based on silicone, shape memory alloy (SMA), and elastic bands. This, in turn, ensures freedom of movement and high performance for high-level activities. It also includes, in practical terms, the manufacturing of the ankle-foot orthosis, based on the aforementioned design and materials, and conducting appropriate mechanical and biomechanical tests. This study also includes a literature review and description of the materials, methods, and equipment used in the design, modeling, simulation, manufacturing, and testing of a novel dynamic ankle-foot orthosis.
26174_ Autoregressive neural networks for predicting the behavior of viscoelastic materials
Duration: 01.09.2022 bis 31.08.2025
Neural networks are already used extensively in the field of data analysis. Common material models consist of physically based equations to describe the real behavior as good as possible. Measurements are used to adjust the material parameters, but the accuracy of the model depends on the complexity of the constitutive equations. Neural networks offer the possibility to describe a material with the same test data without the necessity to derive complex and physically based material laws.
Considering a uniaxial stress-strain curve of a hyperelastic material, a classical neural network can be easily set up to describe this behavior. During training, the network finds a good fitting function that depends mainly on the number of weights and biases and the amount of training data. These overall parameters are not physically motivated, as they only connect the stress values to the strain values via multiplication and the sigmoid transfer functions in the range of the trainings set. This is the reason why classical neural networks have a very poor extrapolation performance.
In contrast, autoregressive neural networks can train a time series, such as the stress curve with a constant strain rate, using previous stress values to calculate the next one. Instead of training a stress-strain function, these networks attempt to find a recursive formulation between stress values. With external inputs, other variables can also be used in the recursive formulation, such as the strain rate. If the training data contains different strain rates, the network can take them into account. In addition, other variables are possible, for example, different temperatures.
Due to the recursive or regressive functionality, the network can calculate stress-strain curves, even beyond the range of the training data. With a sufficiently large training data set, it is thus possible to describe more complex material behavior better than with classical material models.
In this project the properties of viscoelastic materials shall be estimated with an autoregressive neural network. Calculating a stress-strain curve with different strain rates and training the networks can be done in a few minutes. Prediction with different strain rates and stress values outside the range of the training data works very well with only a small error and much less computation time. In addition to optimizing the network architecture, the possibility of other external inputs such as temperature or training with a real measurement data set will also be investigated.
Erweiterung fiktiver Gebietsmethoden für vibroakustische Fragestellungen - Analyse heterogener Dämmmaterialien
Duration: 01.08.2022 bis 31.07.2025
Die Vorhersage des akustischen Verhaltens von Systemen, die Materialien mit komplexer Mikrostruktur beinhalten, ist aus mehreren Gründen eine große Herausforderung. Zum einen ist es sehr aufwendig, hochauflösende numerische Modelle mit Hilfe von geometriekonformen Diskretisierungen aufzubauen und zum anderen müssen alle physikalisch relevanten Wechselwirkungen der Struktur sowohl mit dem umgebenden als auch mit dem eingeschlossenen Fluid berücksichtigt werden. Die geometriekonforme Diskretisierung von heterogenen Materialien mit komplexer Mikrostruktur führt in der Regel zu einer sehr hohen Anzahl von finiten Elementen und somit zu nicht vertretbaren Rechenzeiten. Als zielführende Alternative haben sich in den letzten Jahren fiktive Gebietsmethoden, wie die Finite Cell Method (FCM), herauskristallisiert. Zur Erfassung der akustischen bzw. vibroakustischen Eigenschaften muss die FCM für das neue Anwendungsgebiet in einigen Aspekten erweitert werden. Zunächst müssen die akustische Wellengleichung für Berechnungen im Zeitbereich und die Helmholtz-Gleichung für Analysen im Frequenzbereich mit Hilfe von fiktiven Gebietsmethoden diskretisiert werden. Weiterhin müssen geeignete Kopplungsstrategien zwischen dem Struktur- und Fluidgebiet entwickelt werden. Die Teilfelder können dabei sowohl schwach (rückwirkungsfrei) als auch stark (rückwirkungsbehaftet) gekoppelt werden. Der Vorteil von fiktiven Gebietsmethoden ist neben der hochgenauen Auflösung der Geometrie (trotz nicht konformer Diskretisierung) die Möglichkeit der Überlagerung von Struktur- und Fluidelementen. Damit kann eine effektive Strategie zur vibroakustischen Kopplung heterogener Materialien entwickelt werden. Der numerische Aufwand dieser komplexen Simulationen ist auch unter Nutzung fiktiver Gebietsmethoden immer noch sehr hoch. Daher ist es ein weiteres Ziel, neben den mikrostrukturell aufgelösten Modellen auch vereinfachte Modelle auf der Basis von Verfahren zur numerischen Homogenisierung abzuleiten. Trotz der starken Abstraktion der Wirklichkeit wird erwartet, dass für verschiedene Anwendungen brauchbare Ergebnisse erzielt werden können. Der letzte Schwerpunkt des Projektes besteht in der experimentellen Validierung der entwickelten numerischen Methoden. Dazu werden verschiedene Versuchsstände genutzt. Für die Umsetzung der vibroakustischen Kopplung ist das Schwingungsverhalten der Struktur entscheidend. Dieses kann mit Hilfe eines 3D Laser-Scanning-Vibrometers untersucht werden. Zusätzlich werden die frequenzabhängigen akustischen Parameter unter Nutzung verschiedener einfacher Messaufbauten, wie bspw. einem Kundtschen Rohr, gemessen und jeweils mit den simulativ ermittelten Ergebnissen verglichen. Weiterhin wird in einem Freifeldraum die Schallabstrahlung mit Hilfe von Mikrofon-Arrays und Fernfeldmikrofonen vermessen. Auf der Basis dieser Daten kann die Leistungsfähigkeit der implementierten Modelle nachgewiesen werden. Abschließend werden Richtlinien für deren Nutzung abgeleitet.
26592_ Extension of fictitious domain methods for vibroacoustic issues - analysis of heterogeneous insulation materials
Duration: 01.04.2023 bis 31.03.2025
The project is dedicated to the development of an efficient calculation method for solving three-dimensional vibroacoustic problems using porous insulation materials. The aim is to resolve the microstructure of the insulation material in order to overcome the current limitations of Biot's theory, which is often used and seems particularly unsuitable for modeling closed-cell foams. In order to enable the extremely complex geometry-resolved modeling we are aiming for, fictitious domain methods with higher-order approach functions are to be used. On the one hand, these can be applied very advantageously to voxel data and, on the other hand, a high efficiency for wave propagation problems can be expected.
Completed projects
"COCOON" - aCOustiC Optimized hOusiNg
Duration: 01.06.2022 bis 30.11.2024
Simulationsbasierte und sensorisch funktionalisierte Gehäusekonzeptionierung
Im Rahmen des ZIM-Netzwerkes INSTANT werden vordergründig medizinische Fragestellungen erörtert. Das FuE-Projekt COCOON fokussiert innerhalb des Netzwerks die Verminderung von Geräuschbelastungen bei diagnostischen und interventionellen bildgeführten Verfahren.
Verschiedene medizinische Studien zeigen, dass andauernde hohe Geräuschpegel zu Konzentrationsschwächen, Stress, Beeinträchtigungen des Gedächtnisses, allgemeiner Leistungsminderung und anderen Erscheinungen bis hin zum Burnout-Syndrom führen können. Solche Stress- und Angstsituationen sind der Genesung von Patienten unzuträglich und führen zu längeren Behandlungszeiten und somit zu vermehrten Kosten. Auf der Seite des klinischen/medizinischen Personals können die Geräuschbelastungen, beispielsweise bei mehrstündigen bzw. mehreren aufeinanderfolgenden Interventionen zu Konzentrationseinbußen und Behandlungsfehlern führen.
Die Entstehung von lauten Geräuschen ist bei vielen Maschinen nicht oder nur mit Eingriff in die bestehende Struktur zu unterbinden. Allerdings können technische Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, um die Geräuschausbreitung und -weiterleitung zu behindern und somit die störenden Geräuschemissionen zu minimieren. Im Projekt COCOON werden Verfahren zur Konzeptionierung und Fertigung akustisch optimierter Gehäuse für medizinische Großgeräte erforscht, wodurch sich auch hinsichtlich Zulassung und verwendeter Materialien sehr hohe Ansprüche ergeben.
Des Weiteren wird der ambitionierte Ansatz verfolgt ein "Diagnosesystem” zur Zustandserfassung der Produktfunktionalität zu erforschen. Die frühzeitige Alarmierung bei Fehlfunktionen soll Geräteausfälle minimieren und kann so zur Produktüberwachung nach dem Inverkehrbringen beitragen.
23482_ Evaluation of Phase Morphology and its Impact on the Viscoelastic Response of Elastomer Blends
Duration: 01.01.2020 bis 31.12.2023
Filler reinforced elastomer blends play a key role in the design and optimization of high performance rubber goods like tires or conveyor belts. In most cases, a phase separated, anisotropic blend morphology develops during the last processing steps (extrusion, calendering, injection molding), which lowers its free energy by coagulation and relaxation processes, before the morphology is frozen by cross-linking. The development of the detailed phase morphology and its influence on the high-frequency viscoelastic response, affecting e.g. friction, fracture and wear properties, is not well understood at present but of high technological and scientific interest.
Accordingly, one main objective is the physically motivated modeling and numerical simulation of the thermo-chemically driven phase separation of filled elastomer blends with realistic, microscopic input parameters obtained from independent physical measurements. Beside the chemical compatibility of the polymers and the fillers, also the effect of mechanical stress on the phase dynamics shall be investigated. In combination with elaborated experimental methods, the phase field modeling for Cahn-Hilliard and Cahn-Larché type diffusion shall be applied. The local phase field equations, considering at the end three phases, must be implemented into the isogeometric analysis, allowing for the study of complex interaction of multi-phase materials with different material characteristics. The experimental focus lies on the evaluation of thermodynamic polymer-polymer- and polymer-filler interaction parameters that govern the phase morphology and filler distribution. For the simulation of phase boundary dynamics, the collective chain mobility shall be estimated as an input parameter of the Cahn-Hilliard type dynamic equation.
A second objective is the modeling and numerical simulation of the high-frequency linear viscoelastic response of unfilled and filled elastomer blends, which shall be based on the distinct phase morphology including domain and interphase size, filler distribution and cross-linking heterogeneities. The non-linear response will be analyzed in a future project.
The results of phase field simulations shall be compared to experimental investigations of phase mixture processes and numerically evaluated viscoelastic moduli shall be correlated with experimentally constructed viscoelastic master curves.
The sum of the both objectives leads to a complete numerical procedure with which it is possible to simulate the complete cycle of producing and using a new polymer blend for later engineering applications by optimizing the involved process and distinctive material parameters.
24608_ Development of FE technologies in the field of mixed formulation based on industrial applications
Duration: 02.11.2020 bis 31.10.2023
The aim of the dissertation is the development and further development of finite element technologies in the field of mixed formulation. The focus here is on the displacement-compression-strain formulation (u/p/e), as it enables both the mastering of incompressible material behavior and increased accuracy in the calculation of stresses and strains.
DampedWEA - Innovative Konzepte zur Schwingungs- und Geräuschreduktion getriebeloser Windenergieanlagen
Duration: 01.12.2019 bis 30.04.2023
Das Ziel des Verbundvorhabens DampedWEA ist die Erhöhung der Akzeptanz von Windenergieanlagen (WEA). Dadurch sollen neue Regionen für WEA, insbesondere in der Nähe bewohnter Gebiete, erschlossen werden. Dazu ist eine Verminderung des abgestrahlten Schallpegels erforderlich. In diesem Verbundvorhaben liegt der Fokus auf den tonalen Emissionen, die durch die erfolgreiche Optimierung hinsichtlich aeroakustischer Emissionen immer stärker in den Vordergrund treten und nun ein Problem darstellen. Um diese ausreichend zu reduzieren, kommen innovative Konzepte zur Schwingungs- und Schallreduktion zum Einsatz. Die wesentliche Quelle der tonalen Störgeräusche ist der Generator, da sich die Vibrationen aus dem Generator über die Lager und den Antriebsstrang oder über die Generatortragstruktur in die gesamte Windenergieanlage ausbreiten und schließlich als Schall abgestrahlt werden. Tonale Geräusche sind für die Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung besonders kritisch, da diese als wesentlich lästiger wahrgenommen werden als ein breitbandiges Rauschen.
In diesem Projekt sollen Transmissionspfade untersucht werden, an denen die Erforschung des Schallminderungspotentials erfolgversprechend ist. Darüber hinaus werden viele verschiedene Konzepte erprobt, die teilweise weit über den aktuellen Stand der Technik hinausgehen. Das Projekt wird im Konsortium bestehend aus WRD/Enercon mit den Forschungspartnern DLR, Fraunhofer IFAM, der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg und der Leibniz Universität Hannover durchgeführt.
Kopplung fiktiver Gebietsmethoden mit der Randelementemethode für die Analyse akustischer Metamaterialien
Duration: 01.08.2019 bis 30.04.2023
Im Fokus des vorliegenden Projektantrages stehen innovative akustische Metamaterialien. Dabei handelt es sich beispielsweise um akustisch wirksame Schaummaterialien, in denen durch zusätzlich eingebrachte Festkörper mit hoher Steifigkeit lokale Resonanzeffekte erzeugt werden sollen. Auf diesem Weg soll erreicht werden, dass die Dämm- bzw. Dämpfungswirkung dieser Materialien insbesondere im tieffrequenten Bereich signifikant verbessert wird. Allerdings fehlen bisher allgemeine Richtlinien, wie ein akustisches Metamaterial zu gestalten ist, um eine bestmögliche und insbesondere eine breitbandige Wirkung zu erzielen. Das Ziel des beantragten Projektes ist es, ein zuverlässiges und effizientes numerisches Werkzeug zu entwickeln, um in weiterführenden Forschungsarbeiten eine umfassende Analyse der Mechanismen, Einflussfaktoren und Designparameter sowie gezielte Topologieoptimierungen akustischer Metamaterialien durchzuführen zu können. Für die vibroakustischen Analysen soll eine Kopplung der Finiten Zellen Methode (FCM) und der Randelementemethode (BEM) entwickelt werden. Die FCM soll für die strukturdynamischen Berechnungen eingesetzt werden, um die heterogene Struktur der Metamaterialien adäquat und effizient abzubilden. Für die Bewertung verschiedener akustischer Metamaterialien wird der resultierende Schalldruck im umgebenden Luftvolumen sowie die abgestrahlte Schallleistung herangezogen. Die Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung erfolgt mit Hilfe der BEM, da diese insbesondere für die Bewertung im Fernfeld im Vergleich zu volumendiskretisierenden Methoden eine effiziente Möglichkeit zur Berechnung des akustischen Feldes darstellt. Im Rahmen des Projektes sollen auch die Vorteile höherwertiger Ansatzfunktionen ausgenutzt werden. Nach erfolgreicher Implementierung werden kommerzielle FE-basierte Berechnungsprogramme, analytische Vergleichslösungen und experimentelle Untersuchungen genutzt, um die entwickelten Methoden ausführlich zu verifizieren und zu validieren.
Optimization of the design of mesoscale piezoelectric motors for robotic applications
Duration: 01.01.2021 bis 31.12.2022
Robotics has developed by leaps and bounds over the last few decades and many of the challenges of medium to large scale robotics have found suitable solutions. However, at the mesoscale, on the order of a millimeter to centimeters, few of these challenges have been addressed, chief among them, fabrication and actuation. Due to favourable scaling characteristics, piezoelectric actuation becomes more appropriate than electromagnetic actuation at small scales. Piezoelectric materials provide an actuation as they are materials that generate strain when a voltage is applied to them. They also generate a voltage when strained, which gives them the capability to operate as sensors or actuators, or both simultaneously. Due to their small total displacement, large bandwidth, and lack of friction, they have the ability to generate fast and precise movements.
The overall goal is to optimize a new class of piezoelectric motors based on a series of unimorph (a piezoelectric material bonded to a substrate) arms. The Canadian partner, Assistant Prof. Dr. Ryan Orszulik, has recently designed and fabricated a series of prototypes of a piezoelectric motor which has a planar rotor diameter of 9 mm, stator diameter of 8 mm, a total integrated motor thickness of 0.8 mm, weighs approximately 200 milligrams, and is capable of producing bidirectional motion with relatively low rotational speeds but high torque. However, a number of challenges remain, the most important of which is optimizing the torque density of the motor. For this purpose a numerical optimization will be used, which considers the mass and volume limitations, in order to achieve much higher torques without compromising structural integrity. This multi-objective optimization is a very challenging task, especially on such small scales. For mesoscale robotic applications, it is the torque that is of the greatest interest as it mitigates the need for a gearbox, which is very difficult to manufacture and integrate at these small scales. The unimorph based piezoelectric motor that is the focus of this project is simpler to construct, as it relies on non-standard planar fabrication techniques, and requires only a single drive source at a lower frequency to produce a high torque. In this research program, the goal is to leverage new fabrication techniques to create and miniaturize these piezoelectric motors, test them, and optimize them via analytical and finite element techniques. By employing the developed design, modeling, and fabrication techniques, a number of applications will be pursued including miniature autonomous vehicles and surgical instruments. The most promising possible application, which would create further opportunities for collaboration with the satellite design laboratory at York University, is to use these motors as the actuator for single gimbal control moment gyroscopes in pico to femto class satellites.
Innovative Simulationsverfahren für die akustische Auslegung von Automobilen
Duration: 01.07.2019 bis 30.09.2022
Dieses Projekt ist eine Kooperation des Lehrstuhls für Mehrkörperdynamik und des Lehrstuhls für Numerische Mechanik mit jeweils einem wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter pro Partner. Das Kernziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung einer praxistauglichen Simulationsmethodik zur Berechnung der Schallemissionen von Motoren und deren psychoakustische Bewertung. Dies ermöglicht es, Auswirkungen von Strukturmodifikationen (Steifigkeit, Massenverteilung) sowie tribologischen Systemparametern (Lagerspiele, Viskosität, Desachsierung und Füllungsgrad) unmittelbar auf die Anregungsmechanismen und die inneren Körperschallwege zurückzuführen und präventiv im Sinne einer akustischen Optimierung durch konstruktive und tribologische Maßnahmen zu bekämpfen. Dieser reine Virtual Engineering Ansatz soll gänzlich ohne reale Prototypen auskommen und somit bereits früh im Motorentwicklungsprozess eine akustische Bewertung ermöglichen. Somit können in Abstimmung mit den Entwicklergruppen angrenzender Themenbereiche konstruktive Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der akustischen Qualität realisiert werden, ohne andere wichtige Auslegungskriterien, wie Leistung, Schadstoffemission oder Gesamtmasse, negativ zu beeinflussen.
Im Gegensatz hierzu sind passive Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Schallemissionen durch beispielsweise Dämmungen in der Regel kostenintensiv, da sie neben zusätzlichem Material auch zusätzliche Montageschritte erfordern und sich somit auf den Produktionsprozess auswirken. Gleichzeitig steht dies dem Gedanken des Leichtbaus sowie der Verbrauchsreduktion und Umweltfreundlichkeit entgegen und führt zu einem zusätzlichen Bauraumbedarf, der üblicherweise eine sehr knappe Ressource bei der Entwicklung moderner Motoren und Automobile darstellt. Das grundsätzliche Problem dieser heutzutage immer häufiger eingesetzten Dämmmaßnahmen ist deren symptomatischer Ansatz, welcher zwar die Wirkung bekämpft, die Ursachen der akustischen Störung aber außer Acht lässt.
Die ganzheitliche Methodik, die in diesem Projekt im Fokus steht, ermöglicht hingegen direkt die Analyse und Bekämpfung der Ursache der störenden Schallemissionen. Zusätzlich lässt die psychoakustische Bewertung der Schallemission eine Kategorisierung in störende und weniger störende Schallemissionen zu. Dadurch kann das Design gezielt so verändert werden, dass das entstehende Geräusch vom Menschen als angenehmer eingeordnet wird, schließlich kann ein leises Geräusch trotzdem störender empfunden werden als ein lautes.
25675_ FE simulation of a vehicle joint from Siemens Mobility GmbH
Duration: 09.11.2021 bis 31.05.2022
The aim of the project is a comprehensive investigation of elastomer pads that are used in a vehicle joint from Siemens Mobility GmbH. For this purpose, finite element analyses are carried out to qualitatively evaluate the deformation properties of the joint and in particular the installed elastomer pads. In addition, experimental investigations are to be carried out on the elastomer pads from Siemens Mobility GmbH in order to characterize the corresponding material properties more precisely. This will allow more precise correlations between material selection and structural properties to be determined in the FE analyses.
26069_ Visual compression and reconstruction of patient-specific 3D vascular models for use in simulation methods
Duration: 15.10.2021 bis 14.04.2022
The aim of the project is to develop a method for generating simple geometries of vessel models that contain only essential information that can be used for the subsequent reconstruction of simplified simulation models for the finite element and CFD methods.
The focus here is on the geometry compression and reconstruction of the inner vessel wall with the help of parameterized NURBS. The centerline of the vessel is represented by the NURBS. Other important parameters (such as the vessel diameter, the curvature of the vessel and also the vessel thickness) are stored parameterized at the individual support points of the NURBS. In this way, the geometry is reduced to the essentials, but contains the most important information for recovering the required 3D geometry of the vessel model in a reconstruction process. This geometry can then be used for a wide variety of software systems to carry out corresponding simulations. Furthermore, it is possible to vary the parameters as required in order to generate new realistic vessel models for comparative simulations.
22760_ Competence Center eMobility - Powertrain research area: Sub-project AR4: "Lightweight construction and acoustics of electric motors"
Duration: 01.01.2019 bis 31.12.2021
The eMobility Competence Center project addresses the structural challenges and develops solutions in key areas as part of a newly established competence center, which will significantly strengthen cooperation between SMEs and university research and teaching. The knowledge can be transferred directly to the affected supplier industry, where it can help to successfully manage structural change and exploit new economic opportunities. In addition to the primary objective of building up and transferring core know-how, the main focus is on the long-term anchoring of the knowledge gained in economic structures that create jobs.
Based on a multi-patented, globally unique lightweight engine concept developed by OVGU, the work in the DRIVE TRAIN research area focuses on the further development and prototypical presentation of the new engine technology, its integration into the drive train and its operation in accordance with given safety and comfort requirements (driving dynamics). At the same time, there are further innovative steps in the area of basic research to increase the performance of the engine technology, which are to be developed and implemented in prototypes during this funding period.
Content of the AR4 sub-project:
The emitted noise is a central problem of all electrical machines. This is mainly due to the fact that the typical sound emission of an electric motor is very tonal and very high-frequency and is therefore, on the one hand, in the range of the auditory surface in which humans hear best and, on the other hand, is perceived as particularly annoying. For this reason, methods and solutions are to be developed as part of this sub-project in order to significantly improve the acoustic behavior of electric machines. The aim is not only to reduce the sound pressure level but also to achieve a noise that is as unobtrusive or pleasant as possible, which is why human perception is included in the considerations. State-of-the-art commercial simulation methods and proprietary software extensions are used for the developments, as well as extensive experimental studies and listening tests. The experimental investigations include vibration analyses using laser vibrometry in a stationary and rotating system (derotator measurements), sound pressure measurements with far-field microphones and measurements with microphone arrays (acoustic camera) in an anechoic chamber. The aim of the experimental investigations is to validate the simulation models on the one hand and to demonstrate the added value of the solutions developed on the other. In addition to acoustics, the focus is on lightweight construction. The concepts to be developed should be both acoustically inconspicuous and have a minimal mass.
Among other things, alternative materials (aluminum foam structures, metamaterials, GFRP, CFRP), innovative damping strategies, novel construction designs (e.g. additive manufacturing), as well as the inclusion of add-on parts (e.g. gearboxes) in terms of additional excitation sources are investigated. Stress analyses and strength calculations are carried out to ensure that structural integrity is guaranteed despite the lightweight construction measures taken. These include both static and dynamic load cases. The dynamic stress analyses are absolutely essential in order to take account of the inertial forces acting as a result of the highly variable processes over time and the impulsive excitations during typical operating scenarios.
22249_ Numerical analysis of crack propagation based on phase field method in welded steel structures
Duration: 01.11.2018 bis 31.10.2021
Welding is considered as one of the most indispensable processes in many industrial sections for joining. In many structures, welds are known as a critical sections led to mechanical failures. There are a variety of physical defects such as undercut, insufficient fusion, excessive deformation, porosity, and cracks that can affect weld quality. Of those defects, cracks are considered to be the worst since even a small crack can grow and lead to failure. All welding standards show zero tolerance for cracks whereas the other defects are tolerated within certain limits. There are three requirements for cracks to form and grow: a stress-raising defect, tensile stress, and material with low fracture toughness. Microscopic defect locations are available in practically all welds including geometric features and weld chemistry that can raise the local stress enough to induce a crack. That leaves the engineer to work with the stress environment and toughness: if either of the two can be effectively controlled then cracks can be prevented from initiating and growing. Toughness is a measure of resistance to crack growth; resistance can be provided by blunting of the crack tip in ductile materials. However, if applied strain rate is very high (as would be the case when a spot weld cools at the end of the pulse) and the stress field is multi-axial, even ductile materials exhibit poor toughness and produce rapid crack growth. Hard materials, such as martensite formed during cooling of steels, are brittle and have poor toughness. Having a deep understanding of the residual stresses in welding, micro structure and mechanical behavior of HAZ, multi axial fatigue strength, crack progress behavior and the effect of improvement techniques on welded structures will result in manufacturing more reliable and minimizing weight and increasing structural strength.
The following objectives of this project are:
- Modeling welding process by considering the phase transformation changes occurred in base and weld metal during the heating and cooling process.
- Effect of weld material strength and number of weld passes on the fatigue strength.
- Influence of heat treatment process like stress releasing, annealing hardening on fatigue behavior.
- Development of damage mechanics rules based on numerical analysis for predicting the ductile failure, fatigue life crack initiation.
- Numerical modeling of fatigue crack initiation and propagation based on phase field theory.
- Achieving experimental data by carrying out on universal servo hydraulic machine to investigate the influence of multi axial stresses on fatigue strength and fatigue life.
- The effect of residual stresses caused by welding on the fatigue life.
- Investigating HFMI process on residual stresses and fatigue strength by means of numerical and experimental work.
22068_ Individualized flow diverter treatment (Belucci) - Development of a design tool for the computer-aided design of individual flow diverters (IFD)
Duration: 01.09.2018 bis 31.08.2021
The aim of the BELUCCI project is to establish and validate a novel approach for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms with flow diverters, which includes individualized and simulation-based planning, implant selection/manufacturing and consultation based on patient-specific anatomical selection parameters. The project aims to develop a standardized individualization process in order to provide each patient with the optimal implant for the individual aneurysm and thus substantially improve the efficacy and safety of the procedure. The approach will be clinically evaluated as part of the project using patient-specific aneurysm models. In the sub-project at IFME, a computer-aided design tool for the numerical investigation and design of individualized flow diverters is being developed.
Quality and driving comfort rank among the top criteria of potential car buyers. Even though small dimensional deviations of exterior parts would not necessarily attract someone's attention, protruding parts or irregular gap sizes can cause, among other topics, interfering noises, degradation of driving experience or increase in the aerodynamic resistance. The Meisterbock (master jig) serves, primarily before the start of serial production of cars, as widespread test equipment for exterior parts. These include, among others, the sheet metal parts of fenders, doors, engine hood, trunk lids and side panels. In order to evaluate those assemblies and their interactions, each part is mounted on the Meisterbock and aligned according to the standardized Reference-Point-System (RPS). As a result, deviations from nominal geometries are determined and corrective actions for the manufacturing process can be derived. Due to the time and resource consuming activities of the physical installations, this iterative qualification method requires additional costs.
Duration: 27.04.2018 bis 30.04.2021
The Meisterbock is primarily used for new vehicle start-ups as a means of measuring and analyzing exterior components. These include sheet metal add-on parts such as fenders, doors, front and tailgates and side panels. In order to evaluate and qualify these components and their interaction in the installed state, each part is mounted on the master jig and aligned with repeat accuracy using the standardized reference point system (RPS). The aim of this project is to optimize this qualification process through the use of numerical simulation using the finite element method (FEM) in order to reduce the effort required for physical assembly and thus increase efficiency.
23483_ FE analysis of a multilayer adhesive system
Duration: 01.08.2019 bis 31.12.2019
The aim of the project is a comprehensive parameter study as part of deformation analyses of a new type of high-performance adhesive tape. The main point here is the selection of a suitable material model for the core and the adhesive layers. In subsequent FE analyses of the face tensile test, the material parameters and layer thicknesses are varied in order to assess its influence on the overall behavior both qualitatively and quantitatively.
19598_ Phase field simulation of crack initiation and propagation in metals under thermomechanical loadings
Duration: 01.05.2016 bis 31.10.2019
Fracture under thermomechanical load is a complex failure pattern that has serious consequences in materials and components. The prediction of fracture behavior through crack initiation and propagation in metals using numerical methods has become increasingly important in technical applications. The classical theories of fracture mechanics only include the criteria for crack propagation, but cannot be used to predict crack initiation. Furthermore, no statements can be made about curved cracks or crack branching. Over the past ten years, the phase field method has been transferred and further developed to describe crack formation and propagation. This method offers a powerful and flexible framework for investigating the fracture behavior of materials under arbitrarily complex thermomechanical loads. By defining an additional degree of freedom, the so-called order parameter, the crack description is carried out in the model. The heat conduction equation can also be included, for example if thermal stresses dominate the crack propagation. Both slow and sudden heating can be considered here. Analogous to the crack analysis, the temperature field is treated as an additional degree of freedom. The resulting equations can be solved using the finite element method. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to develop a model that can describe the mathematical relationship between thermomechanical loads and crack initiation and propagation at high temperatures. The starting point of the multiphysical model is formed by the constitutive equations of thermoelastoplasticity, which are solved using the phase field method. The degrees of freedom of the model include the displacement, the temperature and the phase field for the crack description.
19900_ Finite element analysis and service life prediction of fabric-reinforced elastomer membranes
Duration: 01.06.2016 bis 31.05.2019
Elastomer diaphragms are used as flat diaphragms in oscillating pumps or for pressure-actuated short-stroke actuators and control elements. Compared to metal diaphragms, elastomer diaphragms are very soft and flexible. Fabrics are often inserted into the elastomer to make elastomer diaphragms stronger and more resistant. The diaphragms are often exposed to a large number of complex and highly stressed switching cycles and must have optimum service life properties due to their important function.
Due to the complexity of elastomer membranes, it is hardly possible to reliably estimate the mechanical and service life properties based on empirical values alone. The aim of this project is to use the finite element method (FEM) to develop a simulation tool that can be used for the realistic deformation and service life analysis of fabric-reinforced elastomer membranes.
A mixed multi-field representation of gradient-type problems in solid mechanics
Duration: 01.10.2014 bis 31.03.2019
The modeling of phase fields and size effects in solids, such as the width of shear bands or the grain size dependence of the plastic flow in poly-crystals, need to be based on non-standard continuum approaches which incorporate length-scales.
With the ongoing trend of miniaturization and nanotechnology, the predictive modeling of these effects play an increasingly important role.
The mixed multi-field representation of gradient-type problems is a recently introduced thermomechanically consistent framework for modeling such kind of phenomena. The key idea is to extend the field of constitutive state variables by micromechanical independents and further to derive the macro and micro balance equations in a closed form.
22250_ Development of a novel stent design for targeted vessel deformation to reduce blood flow into the aneurysm
Duration: 01.09.2018 bis 31.01.2019
For several years now, the cause of death statistics in Germany have been dominated by cardiovascular diseases. According to the Federal Statistical Office, these were responsible for around 39% of all deaths in 2015. These include strokes, which can be caused by a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This is when blood enters the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain. These bleedings are mainly caused by the rupture of cerebral aneurysms. These are balloon-like dilatations of arterial blood vessels that develop in approx. 2-6% of the Western population in the course of their lives. Approximately 10 out of 100,000 people per year experience a rupture.
Various measures are intended to prevent such a rupture. Surgical (clipping) or endovascular (coiling, balloon angioplasty, stenting, placement of flow diverters or WEB devices) interventions are used to reduce the blood flow into the aneurysm. This is aimed at the formation of thrombi, which cause a natural occlusion of the vessel. These measures are neither risk-free nor necessarily successful. This motivates the development of new procedures and the continuous improvement of established ones.
The aim of the project is to develop a stent with a novel mode of action for therapeutic deformation of the carrier vessels of intracranial aneurysms. As a result of the targeted guidance of the blood flow, more favorable hemodynamics are achieved and the blood inflow into the aneurysm interior is reduced. This in turn increases the dwell time of the blood in the aneurysm and promotes natural thrombosis, which closes the aneurysm.
This is a completely new concept in a) the treatment method and b) the necessary stent design. For this reason, the simulative methods are to be developed within this framework in order to determine the expected individual effectiveness of this concept.
22578_ FE analysis of a newly designed impact protection coupling
Duration: 01.10.2018 bis 31.12.2018
FE simulations of a newly designed impact protection coupling under mechanical and thermal loads are being carried out as part of the project. This coupling consists of a modified shaft-hub connection that is to be used to transmit a constant maximum torque over several cycles.
For this purpose, validation simulations are to be implemented using the finite element method (FEM) for a simplified test setup. This axial test setup consists of two identical test specimens that are axially loaded with a contact force on a circular ring surface and then twisted against each other.
Extensive material and system characteristics as well as the practical boundary conditions are taken into account in order to enable an appropriate comparison between existing experiments and FE simulations. In addition, parameter studies are subsequently carried out in order to understand their influence on the system response. These parameters include, for example, the layer thickness and the friction coefficient. In addition to varying the contact pressure, simulations under changing temperatures are also taken into account.
Virtual simulation of the deformation behaviour of NiTi stents in minimally invasive vasular therapy
Duration: 16.09.2016 bis 15.09.2018
Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in Western countries today. There are various treatment methods for such pathologies, but the trend of the future is percutaneous minimally invasive therapy. Here, high-tech endoprostheses are inserted into the pathological area via an endoluminal path. One of the best-known families of such implants are vascular stents. They are characterized by their complex geometry and non-trivial material properties. The safe use of these stents requires continuous technological improvement in terms of material, design and operating conditions in order to achieve safe implantation, efficient drug release and optimal long-term behavior. In addition, the concept of predictive medicine, i.e. the prediction of alternative treatment methods for individual patients, is becoming increasingly important, which is not possible without robust and cost-efficient simulation methods.
This project aims to contribute to the efficient simulation of the deformation behavior of carotid stents in the carotid artery. The long-term goal is the real-time simulation of stent behavior during synchronous surgery on humans, so that various processes can be tested virtually shortly before real placement and optimally performed with regard to the individual patient.
19428_ Finite element simulation of the deformation behavior of shape memory alloy structures
Duration: 01.05.2015 bis 30.04.2018
Shape memory alloys (SMA) can undergo phase transformation between a high-ordered austenite phase and a low-ordered martensite phase, as a result of changes in the temperature and the state of stress. Consequently, SMA exhibits several macroscopic phenomena not present in the traditional materials. Two significant phenomena are the shape memory effect (SME) and the pseudoelastic effect (PE). These unique features of SMA have found important fields of applications especially in medical technology. The increasing use in commercially valuable applications have motivated a vivid interest in the development of accurate constitutive models to describe the thermomechanical behavior of SMA. In this project a thermomechanical 3D model for SMA, which includes the effect of pseudoelasticity as well as the shape memory effect will be extended with regard to fatigue behavior and crack resistance.
16895_ Investigation and conceptual description of the service life of rubber materials under multiaxial loading conditions
Duration: 01.06.2013 bis 31.05.2017
In this project, an in-depth investigation of the service life of technical rubber materials under multi-axis loading conditions and, in particular, under shear with rotating axes is being carried out.
In addition to experimental investigations, a theoretical concept for predicting service life is already being developed in the early phase of the project which, based on shearing with rotating axes, can cover a much wider range than previous conventional concepts.
The concept is to be validated by means of further targeted tests for double-sided shear, shear with rotating axes and under single-sided shear and tension. The load amplitude will also be varied.
16897_ THEVE - A new physically motivated thermoviscoelastic model for filled elastomers to investigate the material response under dynamic loading conditions on rolling tires
Duration: 15.02.2013 bis 14.01.2017
The aim of the project funded by the Luxembourg Research Foundation (FNR) is the numerical investigation of the efficiency of special elastomer materials with regard to their rolling resistance properties. The so-called dynamic flocculation model (DFM) is being used and further developed for this purpose. This physically motivated material model can realistically represent the inelastic material behavior of filled elastomers under cyclic load history (e.g. Mullins effect and stress-strain hysteresis) in a large strain range. The extension of the material model to time- and temperature-dependent phenomena enables a more accurate representation of the dissipative properties of the material under dynamic loads, as they occur in rolling tires. Finally, the material model is used to establish a correlation between the dissipation that occurs and the rolling resistance, which can be used for the targeted selection of materials for tire treads.
16899_ FE simulation of high-performance adhesive tapes
Duration: 01.01.2012 bis 31.12.2016
Double-sided adhesive tapes are characterized by their viscoelastic and particularly good adhesive properties on a variety of substrates. They are either a multi-layer system consisting of a thin adhesive layer on the top and underside applied to an inner backing layer, or a single material is used that serves as both the adhesive layer and the backing material.
In this research project, a simulation tool is being developed that enables a better estimation of the application limits, taking into account the complex material characteristics, such as strong non-linearity and viscoelasticity of the material. With the help of this tool, the model parameters regarding material variation, time-dependent changes in the external boundary conditions and long-term behavior can be easily adapted and realistic predictions can be made about the complex structural behavior of single and multi-layer high-performance adhesive tapes.
16886_ ParaFit - Parameter adjustment using test specimens close to the component
Duration: 01.10.2013 bis 30.09.2016
The quality and informative value of FEM simulations of technical components is limited by the suitability of both the material laws used and the assigned material parameters.
A material model suitable for industrial application is not necessarily the most accurate and complete simulation of real material behavior. Rather, the practical suitability of a material law requires a balanced compromise between problem-specific requirements regarding the scope, accuracy and combination of properties of the material description on the one hand and economic restrictions regarding the required computer capacities and calculation times on the other.
In most cases, the corresponding material parameters are adjusted using homogeneous tests on laboratory test specimens. However, technical components and associated laboratory test specimens usually have very different geometries and are also often manufactured in different ways. In many cases, this causes serious deviations in material behavior. Component simulations with material laws that have been adapted to measurements on such test specimens are therefore prone to errors from the outset.
The core objective of the research project is the realization of a computer program suitable for industrial use for the identification of material law parameters, which enables the efficient use of measurement data from tests on test specimens close to components with inhomogeneously distributed stresses and distortions. In this way, the above-mentioned disadvantages of the restriction to homogeneous reference measurements are avoided, and the possibility is opened up to take into account specific characteristics of product groups and loading processes when adapting the material laws. The inevitable increase in computing times associated with this approach is of secondary importance given the performance of today's standard computers, provided that the potential of efficient algorithms and clever programming is fully exploited.
19899_ Finite element analysis for the assembly of an elastomer rolling lobe
Duration: 01.06.2016 bis 31.08.2016
As part of this project, a well-founded investigation of the deformation behavior of a rolling lobe bellows under realistic load conditions is being carried out. During installation and operation, the rolling lobe undergoes large deformations, which can lead to complex contact conditions, among other things. Under operating conditions, this can lead to undesired early failure of the rolling lobe. Since the rolling lobe consists of filled elastomer, an extended material model must be used that can map the inelastic properties (such as material softening, permanent elongation and loading and unloading hysteresis).
16901_ DIK-Project: Simulation of contact forces considering adhesion, compliant surface roughness and rubber materials with equilibrium hysteresis
Duration: 01.10.2012 bis 30.09.2015
This project, funded by the German Rubber Society (DKG), aims to increase the development potential of rubber components whose function is largely dependent on friction properties. To this end, the understanding of friction processes involving a rubber surface is to be improved on the basis of computer simulations. In particular, the significance of adhesive force components is to be reassessed and researched in detail in connection with compliant contact surface roughness. For the simulations, a model of a representative section of a contact pairing with realistic surface roughness will be created. Under contact pressure, the increase in the effective contact area due to deformation of the roughness is to be observed. A load tangential to the contact surface is then simulated. In both phases, the force components from elastic deformation, adhesion and dissipative effects are balanced.
16900_ DIK project: Finite element simulation of the dynamic deformation behavior of foamed elastomers
Duration: 01.10.2013 bis 30.04.2014
The institute has developed a material model to describe the mechanical behavior of foamed elastomers. This model can realistically depict the extremely complex material behavior of foamed elastomers under any mechanical stress. A functional relationship between the mechanical properties and the pore content is taken into account using a homogenization approach. The material model has so far been developed for quasi-static loading conditions, i.e. time- and frequency-dependent properties of both the elastomer matrix and the pore structure cannot yet be modeled. The aim of this project is to extend the model with regard to the time-dependent properties that can occur in particular under high-frequency loads due to the spontaneous pressure build-up within the pore structure. The model will also be implemented in a suitable finite element program so that it can be used for the FE simulation of more complex, multi-dimensional load conditions.
DIK-Projekt: Entwicklung eines Materialmodells zur thermo-mechanischen Beschreibung von thermoplastischen Elastomeren
Duration: 01.10.2010 bis 30.09.2013
In dem von der Deutschen Kautschukgesellschaft geförderten Projekt wird ein neues Materialmodell für thermoplastische Elastomere entwickelt, das die mechanischen Eigenschaften von TPEs, wie z.B. Inelastizität, Viskoelastizität und Temperaturabhängigkeit der Materialparameter, realitätsnah abbilden kann. Das Modell beruht auf einer Homogenisierungsmethode in der explizit der Volumengehalt der elastomeren und thermoplastischen Phase einfließt. Das Modell wird in die Finite-Elemente-Methode implementiert und kann somit in Zukunft für die realitätsnahe Simulation des Strukturverhaltens von TPE-Bauteilen benutzt werden.
Peer-reviewed journal article
Implementation of isotropic hyperelastic material models - a template approach
Eisenträger, Sascha; Maurer, Lukas; Juhre, Daniel; Altenbach, Holm; Eisenträger, J.
In: Acta mechanica - Wien : Springer . - 2025, insges. 36 S. [Online first]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Experimental characterization of acoustic damping materials
Marter, Paul; Radtke, Lars; Eisenträger, Sascha; Düster, Alexander; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 24 (2024), Heft 3, Artikel e202400143, insges. 10 S.
Utilizing physics‐augmented neural networks to predict the material behavior according to Yeoh's law
Maurer, Lukas; Eisenträger, Sascha; Kalina, Karl; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH . - 2024, insges. 11 S. [Online first]
Code verification of immersed boundary techniques using the method of manufactured solutions
Petö, Márton; Gorji, Mahan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Düster, Alexander; Juhre, Daniel; Eisenträger, Sascha
In: Computational mechanics - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 73 (2024), S. 1283-1309
The impact of dynamic loading and cyclic temperature variations on the damping efficiency of particle dampers
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Bueschel, Alexander; Göhler, Hartmut; Jehring, Ulrike; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Journal of vibration and control - Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Science Press . - 2024 [Online first]
An eigenvalue stabilization technique for immersed boundary finite element methods in explicit dynamics
Eisenträger, Sascha; Radtke, L.; Garhuom, W.; Löhnert, S.; Düster, Alexander; Juhre, Daniel; Schillinger, D.
In: Computers and mathematics with applications - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, Bd. 166 (2024), S. 129-168
Vibroacoustic simulations of acoustic damping materials using a fictitious domain approach
Radtke, Lars; Marter, Paul; Duvigneau, Fabian; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel; Düster, Alexander
In: Journal of sound and vibration - London : Academic Press, Bd. 568 (2024), Artikel 118058, insges. 13 S.
Bidirectional motion of a planar fabricated piezoelectric motor based on unimorph arms
Marter, Paul; Khramova, Margarita; Duvigneau, Fabian; Wood, Robert J.; Juhre, Daniel; Orszulik, Ryan
In: Sensors and actuators. A, Physical - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, Bd. 377 (2024), Artikel 115642, insges. 9 S.
Investigating material performance in artificial ankle joints - a biomechanical study
Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Adrah, Muhsen; Osman, Thaer; Issa, Mohammad; Imran, Ahmed; Zhang, Yicha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Prosthesis - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 6 (2024), Heft 3, S. 509-526
Determination of laser parameters in thermomechanical treatment of skin based on response surface methodology
Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Darwich, Mhd Ayham; Ammar, Basem; Dakkak, Hala; Juhre, Daniel
In: Applied Sciences - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 14 (2024), Heft 6, Artikel 2619, insges. 16 S.
Experimental and computational investigation of heat transfer during quenching of semi-solid aluminum plates under hot cracking condition
Palanisamy, Saravanakumar; Murugesan, Saravanan; Remani, Jijoprasad Jayaprasad; Gopalkrishna, Suresh Babu; Nallathambi, Ashok Kumar; Juhre, Daniel; Specht, Eckehard
In: Thermal science and engineering progress - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 48 (2024), Artikel 102372, insges. 15 S.
Portable Infrared-Based Glucometer Reinforced with Fuzzy Logic
Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Darwich, Mhd Ayham; Ismaiel, Ebrahim; Shahen, Anas; Nasser, Tamim; Assaad, Maher; Juhre, Daniel
In: Biosensors - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 13 (2023), Heft 11, Artikel 991, insges. 13 S.
Code verification of non-linear immersed boundary simulations using the method of manufactured solutions
Petö, Márton; Juhre, Daniel; Eisenträger, Sascha
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 23 (2024), Heft 4, Artikel 202300068, insges. 8 S.
An overview of mathematical methods applied in the biomechanics of foot and ankle-foot orthosis models
Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Szávai, Szabolcs; Juhre, Daniel
In: J - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 7 (2024), Heft 1, insges. 18 S.
An automatic simulation pipeline for coupled simulations of acoustic damping materials
Radtke, Lars; Marter, Paul; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel; Düster, Alexander
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 24 (2024), Heft 3, Artikel e202400093, insges. 13 S.
Untersuchungen zur Industrialisierung der Virtualisierung des Meisterbocks und Weiterentwicklung der Simulationskonzepte
Händler, Andreas; Juhre, Daniel; Katterfeld, André
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2024, 1 Online-Ressource (XX, 134 Seiten, 31,77 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 121-129][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 121-129]
Book chapter
Preliminary study of acoustic black holes implemented in CT/MRI housings including validation experiments
Thoma, Niklas; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings - Washington, DC : Institute of Noise Control Engineering . - 2023, S. 995-1994
Strategies for implementing particle dampers to reduce sound emission from an onshore wind turbine blade
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: WindEurope Electric City 2021 - WindEurope: BalticWind . - 2023 [Konferenz: WindEurope Electric City 2021 Conference, Copenhagen, 23. - 25.11.2021]
Einsatz granularer Materialien zur passiven Schwingungsreduktion von Komponenten einer Windenergieanlage
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Jehring, Ulrike; Göhler, Hartmut; Büschel, Alexander; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Tagungsband, DAGA 2023 - 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik , 2023 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. ; Estorff, Otto *1957-*, S. 1135-1138 [Tagung: 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2023, Hamburg, 06. - 09. März 2023]
Akustische Charakterisierung eines Computertomographen
Thoma, Niklas; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Tagungsband, DAGA 2023 - 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik , 2023 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. ; Estorff, Otto *1957-*, S. 174-177 [Tagung: 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2023, Hamburg, 06. - 09. März 2023]
Experimentelle Konzeptstudien zur Anwendbarkeit akustischer schwarzer Löcher und Metamaterialien
Thoma, Niklas; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Trenner, Michael; Woschke, Elmar
In: Aggregate- und Antriebsakustik - 12. Magdeburger Symposium, 28. und 29. Juni 2023 : Tagungsband - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, Artikel 15, insges. 16 S. [12. Magdeburger Symposium Aggregate- und Antriebsakustik, 2023]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Autoregressive neural networks for predicting the behavior of viscoelastic materials
Maurer, Lukas; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel
In: Technische Mechanik - Magdeburg : Inst., Bd. 43 (2023), Heft 2, S. 220-229
Efficiency increasing reconstruction of 3D‐Vessel scan data using a NURBS surface
Maurer, Lukas; Makvandi, Resam; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 23 (2023), Heft 1, Artikel e202200079, insges. 6 S.
FE‐based modeling of a mesoscale piezoelectric motor
Marter, Paul; Duvigneau, Fabian; Orszulik, Ryan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 22 (2023), Heft 1, Artikel e202200314, insges. 6 S.
Design strategies of particle dampers for large-scale applications
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Reinboth, Tim; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Journal of vibration engineering & technologies - Singapore : Springer Singapore . - 2023, insges. 32 S. [Online first]
An integrated approach for designing and analyzing lumbar vertebral biomodels with artificial disc replacement
Darwich, Mhd Ayham; Ebrahem, Katreen; Shash, Maysaa; Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Szávai, Szabolcs; Zhang, Yicha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Applied mechanics - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 4 (2023), Heft 4, S. 1227-1239
Peridynamic simulation of heat transfer during quenching of semi-solid plate with occurrence of hot cracks
Jayaprasad Remani, Jijo Prasad; Palanisamy, Saravanakumar; Nallathambi, Ashok Kumar; Oterkus, Selda; Juhre, Daniel; Specht, Eckehard
In: Journal of thermal stresses - London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis . - 2023 [Online first]
An accurate approach to simulate friction stir welding processes using adaptive formulation refinement
Venghaus, Henning; Chiumenti, M.; Baiges, J.; Juhre, Daniel; Castañar, I.
In: Finite elements in analysis and design - Amsterdam : North-Holland, Bd. 224 (2023), Artikel 103986
Passive articulated and non-articulated ankle-foot orthoses for gait rehabilitation - a narrative review
Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Szávai, Szabolcs; Darwich, Mhd Ayham; Juhre, Daniel
In: Healthcare - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 11 (2023), Heft 7, Artikel 947, insges. 18 S.
Boolean finite cell method for multi-material problems including local enrichment of the Ansatz space
Petö, Márton; Eisenträger, Sascha; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel
In: Computational mechanics - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 72 (2023), S. 743-764
Towards a biomechanical breast model to simulate and investigate breast compression and its effects in mammography and tomosynthesis
Hertel, Madeleine; Makvandi, Resam; Kappler, Steffen; Nanke, Ralf; Bildhauer, Petra; Saalfeld, Sylvia; Radicke, Marcus; Juhre, Daniel; Rose, Georg
In: Physics in medicine and biology - Bristol : IOP Publ., Bd. 68 (2023), Heft 8, Artikel 085007
Application and damping mechanism of particle dampers
Prasad, Braj Bhusuan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 22 (2023), Heft 1, Artikel e202200116, insges. 6 S.
Computer-assisted reconstruction of an orbital trauma case treated with a patient-specific titanium prosthesis
Darwich, Mhd Ayham; Darwich, Khaldoun; Yousof, Khalil; Szávai, Szabolcs; Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Juhre, Daniel
In: Cosmetics - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 10 (2023), Heft 2, Artikel 52, insges. 9 S.
A framework to model thermomechanical coupled of fracture and martensite transformation in austenitic microstructures
Borzabadi Farahani, E.; Sobhani Aragh, B.; Sarhadi, A.; Juhre, Daniel
In: Thin-walled structures - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, Bd. 183 (2023), Artikel 110435, insges. 12 S.
Biomechanical assessment of endodontically treated molars restored by endocrowns made from different CAD/CAM materials
Darwich, Mhd Ayham; Aljareh, Abeer; Alhouri, Nabil; Szávai, Szabolcs; Nazha, Hasan Mhd; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel
In: Materials - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 16 (2023), Heft 2, Artikel 764, insges. 17 S.
A study on coupled martensitic phase transformation and crack propagation - a phase-field approach
Borzabadi Farahani, Ehsan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (iii, 111 Seiten, 9,49 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 101-111][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 101-111]
Chemomechanical modeling of oxidation with application to a polymer-derived ceramic
Voges, Jannik; Juhre, Daniel
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg 2023, xiv, 128 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 119-128][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 119-128]
Book chapter
Akustisch wirksame, vollständig recycelbare Möbel auf Basis biologischer Materialien eine Machbarkeitsstudie
Duvigneau, Fabian; Mohrmann, Wulf; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), S. 1033-1036 [Tagung: 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2020, Stuttgart, 21. - 24. März 2022]
Vergleich verschiedener granularer Materialien und Mixturen für die Anwendung in partikelbasierten Schwingungsdämpfern
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), S. 1358-1361 [Tagung: 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2022, Stuttgart, 21. - 24. März 2022]
Analyse akustischer Metamaterialien mittels Kopplung der Finiten Zellen Methode mit der Randelementemethode
Petö, Márton; Duvigneau, Fabian; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), S. 263-266 [Tagung: 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2022, Stuttgart, 21. - 24. März 2022]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Octree-based integration scheme with merged sub-cells for the finite cell method - application to non-linear problems in 3D
Petö, Márton; Garhuom, Wadhah; Duvigneau, Fabian; Eisenträger, Sascha; Düster, Alexander; Juhre, Daniel
In: Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, Bd. 401 (2022), Heft Part B, Artikel 115565, insges. 28 S.
On the use of high-order shape functions in the SAFE method and their performance in wave propagation problems
Mirzaee Kakhki, Elyas; Rezaeepazhand, Jalil; Duvigneau, Fabian; Pahlavan, Lotfollah; Makvandi, Resam; Juhre, Daniel; Moavenian, Majid; Eisenträger, Sascha
In: Mathematical and computational applications - Basel : MDPI AG, Bd. 27 (2022), Heft 7, Artikel 63, insges. 27 S.
Modeling the oxidation of a polymer-derived ceramic with chemo-mechanical coupling and large deformations
Voges, Jannik; Smokovych, Iryna; Duvigneau, Fabian; Scheffler, Michael; Juhre, Daniel
In: Acta mechanica - Wien : Springer . - 2022, insges. 23 S. [Online first]
On the deformation dependency of the diffusion flux in solids at large deformations
Voges, Jannik; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel
In: Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 34 (2022), Heft 3, S. 829-839
Interplay of fracture and martensite transformation in microstructures - a coupled problem
Borzabadi Farahani, Ehsan; Aragh, Behnam Sobhani; Juhre, Daniel
In: Materials - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 15 (2022), Heft 19, Artikel 6744, insges. 22 S.
Damping performance of particle dampers with different granular materials and their mixtures
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Applied acoustics - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 200 (2022), Artikel 109059, insges. 22 S.
Application of particle dampers on a scaled wind turbine generator to improve low-frequency vibro-acoustic behavior
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Applied Sciences - Basel : MDPI, Bd. 12 (2022), Heft 2, Artikel 671, insges. 24 S.
Identification of thermal and mechanical parameters for Fe-15Mn-10Cr-8Ni-4Si (wt. %) ferrous based shape memory alloy
Rahman, Rana Atta ur; Juhre, Daniel; Halle, Thorsten
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (xii, 117 Blätter, 4,25 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 105-113][Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 105-113]
Improved method for the characterisation of mechanical fatigue of rubber materials applied on a study to the lifetime-influence of dwell periods
Gehrmann, Oliver; Juhre, Daniel
In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (iii, 167 Seiten, 84,11 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 159-167][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 159-167]
Book chapter
Analyse akustischer Metamaterialien mit Hilfe der Finiten Zellen Methode
Petö, Márton; Duvigneau, Fabian; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA) [Tagung: 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2021, Wien, 15. bis 18. August 2021]
Einsatz granularer Materialien zur passiven Schwingungsreduktion eines Generators einer Windenergieanlage
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA) [Tagung: 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2021, Wien, 15. bis 18. August 2021]
Untersuchung unterschiedlicher Modellierungstiefen im Rahmen einer ganzheitlichen Simulationsmethodik zur akustischen Bewertung von Antriebsaggregaten
Nitzschke, Steffen; Duvigneau, Fabian; Daniel, Christian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Motor- und Aggregate-Akustik - 11. Magdeburger Symposium : Tagungsband [2021] - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, S. 52-64 [Tagung: Motor- und Aggregate-Akustik : 11. Magdeburger Symposium, 2021]
Gekoppelter Simulationsansatz zur Schwingungsanalyse einer Zentrifuge
Marter, Paul; Daniel, Christian; Duvigneau, Fabian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA) [Tagung: 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2021, Wien, 15. bis 18. August 2021]
Rückwirkungsbehaftete gekoppelte Analyse der Elektrodynamik, vibroakustischen Strukturschwingungen und Rotordynamik des elektrischen Antriebsstranges eines Gleitbootes
Duvigneau, Fabian; Koch, Sebastian; Daniel, Christian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA) [Tagung: 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2021, Wien, 15. bis 18. August 2021]
Peer-reviewed journal article
A strain gradient enhanced model for the phase-field approach to fracture
Makvandi, Resam; Abali, Bilen Emek; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 21 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202100195, insges. 2 S.
Revisiting Mindlin's theory with regard to a gradient extended phase-field model for fracture
Makvandi, Resam; Abali, Bilen Emek; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 20 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202000104, insges. 2 S. [Special Issue: 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)]
An RVE-based investigation of thermoplastic vulcanizates exemplified by EPDM/PP
Sun, Wanrong; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 20 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202000041, insges. 2 S. [Special Issue: 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)]
A phase field approach to study of transformation induced micro–cracking in a martensitic phase transformation
Borzabadi Farahani, Ehsan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 20 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202000291, insges. 3 S. [Special Issue: 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)]
Phase field modeling of crack nucleation and propagation in martensitic microstructures
Borzabadi Farahani, Ehsan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 21 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202100082, insges. 2 S.
Consideration of rubber bushings in a multi-body simulation by detailed finite element models
Marter, Paul; Daniel, Christian; Duvigneau, Fabian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 21 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202100064, insges. 2 S. [Special Issue: 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)]
Enhanced integration scheme for unfitted polygonal elements
Petö, Márton; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Eisenträger, Sascha
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 20 (2021), Heft 1, Artikel e202000230, insges. 2 S. [Special Issue: 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)]
Experimental study of particle dampers applied to wind turbine blades to reduce low-frequency sound emission
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings - Washington, DC : Institute of Noise Control Engineering . - 2021, S. 71-82 [Kongress: 50th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Inter-Noise21, Washington, D.C., USA, 1-5 August 2021]
On the crack onset and growth in martensitic micro-structures; a phase-field approach
Borzabadi Farahani, Ehsan; Sobhani Aragh, B.; Voges, Jannik; Juhre, Daniel
In: International journal of mechanical sciences - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science - Volume 194(2020), article 106187
Enhanced numerical integration scheme based on image compression techniques - application to rational polygonal interpolants
Petö, Márton; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Eisenträger, Sascha
In: Archive of applied mechanics - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 91 (2021), S. 753-775
Book chapter
Wind turbine blade and generator test specimen for evaluating a passive vibration reduction concept based on granular materials
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings of the ISMA 2020, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering/USD 2020, International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics , 2020 - Heverlee (Belgium) : KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering ; Desmet, W., S. 3525-3540
Untersuchung des Einflusses von Randbedingungen auf die Vergleichbarkeit von numerischer und experimenteller Modalanalyse
Duvigneau, Fabian; Hähnlein, Frederik; Daniel, Christian; Schrader, Peter; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), S. 274-277 [Konferenz: DAGA 2020, Hannover, 16.-19. März 2020]
Design of test specimen for wind turbines to evaluate passive vibration reduction concepts based on granular materials
Prasad, Braj Bhushan; Duvigneau, Fabian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), S. 446-449 [Konferenz: DAGA 2020, Hannover, 16.-19. März 2020]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Lifetime prediction of carbon black filled elastomers based on the probability distribution of particle using an inelastic and hyperelastic material model
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Meier, Jens; Juhre, Daniel
In: Engineering failure analysis - Oxford [u.a.] : Elsevier Science - Volume118 (2020), Artikel 104943
A study on harmonic excitation based experimental characterization of damping materials for acoustic simulations
Spannan, Lars; Duvigneau, Fabian; Gavila Lloret, Maria; Daniel, Christian; Juhre, Daniel; Woschke, Elmar
In: Technische Mechanik - Magdeburg : Inst., Bd. 40 (2020), Heft 2, S. 134-148
Verfahren zur Erhöhung der visuellen Wahrnehmung neurovaskulärer Stents unter Röntgendurchleuchtung
Hoffmann, Thomas; Rose, Georg; Juhre, Daniel
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 2020, XIV, 108 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 92-97][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 92-97]
Book chapter
Virtualization of the Meisterbock process using numerical simulation
Händler, Andreas; Juhre, Daniel; Bernal Martínez, Santiago; Netuzhylov, Hennadiy
In: 14. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2019 - Magdeburger Ingenieurtage - 24. und 25. September 2019 : Tagungsband - Magdeburg : Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät Maschinenbau, Institut für Mobile Systeme - Lehrstuhl Mechatronik, S. 280-290 [Tagung: 14 MMT 2019, 24. und 25. September 2019, Magdeburg]
Bestimmung frequenzabhängiger Materialparameter von akustischen Dämmmaterialien
Duvigneau, Fabian; Spannan, Lars; Woschke, Elmar; Juhre, Daniel
In: Tagungsband - DAGA 2019 , 2019 - Berlin : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), S. 141-144 [Tagung: 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2019, 18.-21. März 2019, Rostock]
A phase field model for the evolution of martensitic microstructures in austenitic carbon steels
Borzabadi Farahani, Ehsan; Juhre, Daniel
In: 14. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2019 - Magdeburger Ingenieurtage - 24. und 25. September 2019 : Tagungsband - Magdeburg : Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät Maschinenbau, Institut für Mobile Systeme - Lehrstuhl Mechatronik ; Kasper, Roland, S. 348-356 [Tagung: 14 MMT 2019, 24. und 25. September 2019, Magdeburg]
Adaptive phase-field model of mixed mode fracture in compression and its experimental verification
Liu, Zhengkun; Juhre, Daniel
In: 14. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2019 - Magdeburger Ingenieurtage - 24. und 25. September 2019 : Tagungsband - Magdeburg : Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät Maschinenbau, Institut für Mobile Systeme - Lehrstuhl Mechatronik ; Kasper, Roland, S. 389-398 [Tagung: 14 MMT 2019, 24. und 25. September 2019, Magdeburg]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Types, DSC thermal characterization of Fe-Mn-Si based shape memory smart materials and their feasibility for human body in Ttrms of austenitic start temperatures
Rahman, Rana Atta ur; Juhre, Daniel; Halle, Thorsten; Mehmood, Shahid; Asghar, Waqas
In: Journal of engineering technology - Ferguson, Mo. : EDT, Bd. 8 (2019), Heft 1, S. 185-206
Improved material parameter identification for end-of-life predictions under mechanical fatigue
Gehrmann, Oliver; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Juhre, Daniel
In: Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe - Heidelberg : Hüthig, Bd. 72 (2019), Heft 2, S. 31-34
Simulation of NiTi stent deployment in a realistic patient carotid artery using isogeometric analysis
Chavalla, Sharath; Hoffmann, Thomas; Juhre, Daniel
In: Procedia structural integrity - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 15 (2019), S. 8-15
Dissipated energy density as fatigue criterion for non-relaxing tensional loadings of non-crystallizing elastomers?
Gehrmann, Oliver; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Krause, Maria; Juhre, Daniel
In: Polymer testing - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science - Volume 78 (2019), article 105953
A phase-field fracture model based on strain gradient elasticity
Makvandi, Resam; Eisenträger, Sascha; Juhre, Daniel
In: Engineering fracture mechanics - Kidlington : Elsevier Science - Volume 220 (2019), article 106648
Peer-reviewed journal article
Review of types, properties, and importance of ferrous based shape memory alloys
Rahman, Rana Atta Ur; Juhre, Daniel; Halle, Thorsten
In: Han gug jae lyo hag hoe ji - Seoul : Materials Society of Korea, Bd. 28 (2018), Heft 7, S. 381-390
Experimental characterization for initiation of crack during fatigue analysis of mineralized aluminium alloy under both thermal and mechanical loading on rotating & bending machine
Rahman, Rana Atta Ur; Juhre, Daniel; Khan, Usama
In: Current smart materials - Sharjah : Bentham Science, Bd. 3 (2018)
Tearing energy and path-dependent J-integral evaluation considering stress softening for carbon black reinforced elastomers
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel; Meier, Jens; Alshuth, Thomas; Giese, Ulrich
In: Engineering fracture mechanics - Kidlington : Elsevier Science, Bd. 190 (2018), S. 259-272
Phase-field modelling of crack propagation in anisotropic polycrystalline materials
Liu, Zheng Kun; Juhre, Daniel
In: Procedia structural integrity - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 13 (2018), S. 787-792
Phase-field modelling of fracture in viscoelastic solids
Liu, Zhengkun; Roggel, Julian; Juhre, Daniel
In: Procedia structural integrity - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 13 (2018), S. 781-786
Phase-field modelling of crack propagation in anisotropic polycrystalline materials
Liu, Zheng Kun; Juhre, Daniel
In: Technische Mechanik - Magdeburg : Inst., Bd. 38 (2018), Heft 3, S. 286-299
Lifetime prediction of filled elastomers based on particle distribution and the J-integral evaluation
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel; Meier, Jens; Kröger, Nils; Alshuth, Thomas; Giese, Ulrich
In: International journal of fatigue - Oxford : Elsevier, Bd. 112 (2018), S. 341-354
Experimental characterization of phase transformation of Fe15mn10cr8ni4si (Wt. %) iron-based shape memory functional materials using dilatometry
Rahman, R. A.; Juhre, Daniel; Halle, Thorsten
In: International journal of advances in mechanical and civil engineering - Bhubaneswar : Institute of Research and Journals (IRAJ), Bd. 5 (2018), Heft 6, S. 10-13
Comparison of biaxial loading of ferrous based (Fe-based) shape memory smart materials with linear and non-linear materials
Rahman, Rana Atta Ur; Juhre, Daniel; Halle, Thorsten
In: Current smart materials - Sharjah : Bentham Science, Bd. 3 (2018), Heft 2, S. 90-98
Development of a shape memory alloy actuator using generative manufacturing
Spindler, Christian; Juhre, Daniel
In: The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology - London : Springer . - 2018, insges. 10 S. [Online first]
Local heat transfer and stress analysis of direct chill casting process
Kulkarni, Gaurav Abhay; Specht, Eckehard; Juhre, Daniel
In: Barleben: docupoint Verlag, 2019, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik 2018, xiv, 151 Seiten - (Micro-macro transactions; Volume 34; Docupoint Wissenschaft), ISBN: 978-3-86912-157-4 [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 135-140][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 135-140]
Vorhersage der charakteristischen Lebensdauer von Elastomeren im Rahmen der probabilistischen Bruckmechanik
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel
In: Magdeburg, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau 2018, VIII, 161 Seiten [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 158-161][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 158-161]
Concept for a comprehensive simulation based tool to assist intracranial aneurysm treatment
Voss, Samuel; Chavalla, Sharath; Juhre, Daniel; Janiga, Gábor; Beuing, Oliver
In: International Healthcare Vision 2037 - new technologies, educational goals and entrepreneurial challenges ; proceedings + summary of the 5th BME-IDEA EU Conference ; 11 - 13 June 2017, Magdeburg, Germany - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, S. 123-124
Virtuelle Erhöhung der Röntgensichtbarkeit neurovaskulärer Stents in der Radiographie
Hoffmann, Thomas; Juhre, Daniel; Cattaneo, Giorgio; Rose, Georg; Beuing, Oliver
In: Recent progress and developments - Magdeburg - 2017, Abs. ID 35, Seite 25 [Konferenz: 3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions & Focus Neuroradiologie, Magdeburg, Germany, November 6 and 7, 2017]
Book chapter
Simulation des Risswachstums in einer Compact Tension - Probe nach ASTM E399 mit einem spröden Phasenfeldmodell
Lui, Zheng Kun; Roggel, Julian; Juhre, Daniel
In: 13. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2017 , 2017 - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, S. 293-302 [Konferenz: MMT2017]
Prediction of energy release rate in opening mode of fracture mechanics for filled and unfilled elastomers
El-Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Meier, Jens; Alshuth, Thomas; Giese, Ulrich; Juhre, Daniel
In: Constitutive models for Rubber X / European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press . - 2017 [Konferenz: 10th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR X), Munich, Germany, 28-31 August 2017]
Experimental investigation of the compression modulus at a technical EPDM, exposed to cyclic compressive hydrostatic loadings
Gehrmann, Oliver; Kröger, Nils; Erren, Peter; Juhre, Daniel
In: Constitutive models for Rubber X / European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press . - 2017 [Konferenz: 10th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR X), Munich, Germany, 28-31 August 2017]
Advanced modeling of NiTi stents used in minimally invasive surgeries
Chavalla, Sharath Chandra; Juhre, Daniel
In: 13. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage 2017 , 2017 - Magdeburg : Universitätsbibliothek, S. 283-292 [Konferenz: MMT2017]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Prediction of energy release rate in crack opening mode (mode I) for filled and unfilled elastomers using the Ogden model
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel; Meier, Jens; Alshuth, Thomas; Giese, Ulrich
In: Engineering fracture mechanics - Kidlington : Elsevier Science, Bd. 182 (2017), S. 74-85
Prediction of energy release rate in anti-plane shear state (Mode III) for unfilled elastomers
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Meier, Jens; Alshuth, Thomas; Giese, Ulrich; Juhre, Daniel; Khanh, Le
In: Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe - Heidelberg : Hüthig, Bd. 70 (2017), S. 43-48
Numerical investigation of the phase evolution in polymer blends under external mechanical loadings
Voges, Jannik; Makvandi, Resam; Juhre, Daniel
In: Technische Mechanik - Magdeburg : Magdeburger Verein für Technische Mechanik e.V., Bd. 37 (2017), Heft 1, S. 37-47
Isogeometric analysis of first and second strain gradient elasticity
Makvandi, Resam; Reiher, Jörg Christian; Bertram, Albrecht; Juhre, Daniel
In: Computational mechanics - Berlin : Springer, Bd. 61 (2018), Heft 3, S. 351-363
Estimation of the compression modulus of a technical rubber via cyclic volumetric compression tests
Gehrmann, Oliver; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Erren, Peter; Juhre, Daniel
In: Technische Mechanik - Magdeburg : Inst., Bd. 37 (2017), Heft 1, S. 28-36
Prediction of tearing energy in mode III for filled elastomers
El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel; Meier, Jens; Alshuth, Thomas; Giese, Ulrich
In: Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics - Amsterdam : North-Holland, Bd. 88 (2017), S. 31-38
Book chapter
A study on the influence of mechanical preconditioning on the fatigue behavior of rubber materials
Juhre, Daniel; Krause, Maria
In: Constitutive Models for Rubber IX : proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September 2015 / eds. Bohdana Marvalová & Iva Petriková / Marvalova , Bohdana - Hoboken : CRC Press ; Marvalova, Bohdana, S. 423-427 [9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September]
Peer-reviewed journal article
A physically motivated model for filled elastomers including strain rate and amplitude dependency in finite viscoelasticity
Raghunath, R.; Juhre, Daniel; Klüppel, M.
In: International journal of plasticity - New York, NY : Pergamon Press, Bd. 78 (2016), S. 223-241
Extension of DFM and MORPH in representative directions to viscous effects via Prony series approach
Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Raghunath, Rathan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 16 (2016), Heft 1, S. 363-364 [Special Issue: Joint 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung(DMV), Braunschweig 2016; Editors: V. Bach and H. Fassbender]
Article in conference proceedings
A physically motivated model for filled elastomers
Raghunath, Rathan; Juhre, Daniel; Klüppel, Manfred
In: Tire technology 2016; 16.-18.02.2016; Hannover
Das rührende Ende des Gummis - Lebensdaueruntersuchungen unter ganz besonderen Vorzeichen
Juhre, Daniel; Krause, Maria
In: DKG Jahrestagung 2016; 01.-02.06.2016; Nürnberg
Book chapter
Phenomenological modelling for viscohyperelasticity - evolution law extension for Neo-Hookean hyperelasticity
Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Juhre, Daniel
In: Constitutive Models for Rubber IX : proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September 2015 / eds. Bohdana Marvalová & Iva Petriková / Marvalova , Bohdana - Hoboken : CRC Press ; Marvalova, Bohdana, S. 253-256 [9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September]
Finite element simulation of inelastic and viscoelastic effects using a micro-structure based model for filled elastomers
Raghunath, Rathan; Klüppel, Manfred; Juhre, Daniel
In: Constitutive Models for Rubber IX : proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September 2015 / eds. Bohdana Marvalová & Iva Petriková / Marvalova , Bohdana - Hoboken : CRC Press ; Marvalova, Bohdana, S. 331-337 [9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September]
Lifetime prediction of elastomers based on statistical occurrence of material defects
Ludwig, Marvin; Alshuth, Thomas; El Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel
In: Constitutive Models for Rubber IX : proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September 2015 / eds. Bohdana Marvalová & Iva Petriková / Marvalova , Bohdana - Hoboken : CRC Press ; Marvalova, Bohdana, S. 445-448 [9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, (ECCMR IX), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-4 September]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Phenomenological modelling for viscohyperelasticity - how to find suitable evolution laws in order to extend hyperelastic models?
Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 15 (2015), Heft 1, S. 321-322 [Special Issue: 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015]
A physically motivated model for filled elastomers including strain rate and amplitude dependency in finite viscoelasticity
Juhre, Daniel; Raghunath, Rathan; Klüppel, Manfred
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 15 (2015), Heft 1, S. 307-308 [Special Issue: 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015]
Article in conference proceedings
A physically motivated model for filled elastomers including strain rate and amplitude dependency in finite viscoelasticity
Raghunath, Rathan; Juhre, Daniel; Klüppel, Manfred
In: Smart, effizient, mobil: 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage; 30.09-01.10. 2015.; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Eine Studie zum Einfluss der Materialerweichung auf die Auswertung des Spannungszustan ds an der Rissspitze bei gefüllten Elastomere
El-Yaagoubi, Mohammed; Juhre, Daniel
In: Smart, effizient, mobil: 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage; 30.09-01.10.2015.; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Peer-reviewed journal article
On the parameter identification of visco-hyperelastic material models for adhesive tapes
Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics: PAMM - Weinheim [u.a.]: Wiley-VCH, Bd. 14 (2014), 1, S. 341-342
Influence of pre-straining on the lifetime of filled elastomers
Krause, Maria; Juhre, Daniel
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics: PAMM - Weinheim [u.a.]: Wiley-VCH, Bd. 14 (2014), 1, S. 389-390
Article in conference proceedings
Time-Dependent Effects of a Microstructure-Based Model for Filled Elastomers
Raghunath, Rathan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Rubber Division ACS-Spring Meeting, Louisville (USA), 24.-26.03.2014
Lifetime investigations of filled elastomers under direction-modulated loading conditions
Juhre, Daniel; Maria, Krause
In: RubberCon 2014, Manchester (UK), 14.-15.05.2014
Book chapter
Identification of inelastic material parameters using component-oriented specimen
Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn
In: Constitutive models for rubber VIII: proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013 / ed. Nere Gil-Negrete & Asier Alonso: proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013 - Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.]: CRC Press/Balkema, 2013; Gil-Negrete, Nere . - 2013, S. 191-196[Kongress: 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013]
Rupture of filler-filler bonds in strained elastomers: A molecular dynamics investigation
Klüppel, Manfred; Froltsov, Vladimir; Juhre, Daniel
In: Constitutive models for rubber VIII: proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013 / ed. Nere Gil-Negrete & Asier Alonso: proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013 - Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.]: CRC Press/Balkema, 2013; Gil-Negrete, Nere . - 2013, S. 287-292[Kongress: 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013]
A microstructure-based model for filled elastomers including time-dependent effects
Juhre, Daniel; Raghunath, Rathan; Klüppel, Manfred; Lorenz, Hagen
In: Constitutive models for rubber VIII: proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013 / ed. Nere Gil-Negrete & Asier Alonso: proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013 - Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.]: CRC Press/Balkema, 2013; Gil-Negrete, Nere . - 2013, S. 293-298[Kongress: 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR VIII), San Sebastián, Spain, 25 - 28 June 2013]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Finite element simulation of deformation behaviour of cellular rubber components
Raghunath, Rathan; Juhre, Daniel
In: Mechanics research communications - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, 1974, Bd. 47.2013, S. 32-38
Book chapter
Parameter identification based on multiple inhomogeneous experiments of practical relevance
Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Danie; Ihlemann, Jörn
In: Constitutive models for rubber VII : proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin, Ireland, 20 - 23 September 2011. - Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.] : CRC Press, S. 33-38, 2012[Kongress: 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin, Ireland, 20 - 23 September 2011]
The influence of inelasticity on the lifetime of filled elastomers under multiaxial loading conditions
Juhre, Danie; Doniga-Crivat, Mircea; Ihlemann, Jörn
In: Constitutive models for rubber VII : proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin, Ireland, 20 - 23 September 2011. - Boca Raton, Fla. [u.a.] : CRC Press, S. 359-362, 2012[Kongress: 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin, Ireland, 20 - 23 September 2011]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Parameter identification based on multiple inhomogeneous experiments of practical relevance
Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn
In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics : PAMM. - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, Bd. 12.2012, 1, S. 629-630[Special Issue: 83rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Darmstadt 2012]
Peer-reviewed journal article
Constitutive generalization of a microstructure-based model for filled elastomers
Lorenz, Hagen; Freund, Michael; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klüppel, Manfred
In: Macromolecular theory and simulations - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 1992, Bd. 20.2011, 2, S. 110-123
Finite element implementation of a microstructure-based model for filled elastomers
Freund, Michael; Lorenz, Hagen; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klüppel, Manfred
In: International journal of plasticity - New York, NY: Pergamon Press, 1985, Bd. 27.2011, 6, S. 902-919
Some remarks on influence of inelasticity on fatigue life of filled elastomers
Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Alshuth, Thomas; Klauke, Rainer
In: Plastics, rubber and composites - London: Taylor and Francis, 1995, Bd. 40.2011, 4, S. 180-184
FE-Implementierung des Dynamischen Flockulationsmodells zur Simulation des inelastischen Verhaltens gefüllter Elastomere
Freund, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lorenz, Hagen; Juhre, Daniel; Klüppel, Manfred
In: Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe: KGK - Heidelberg: Hüthig, 1999, Bd. 64.2011, 4, S. 50-55
FE-Implementation of the Dynamic Flocculation Model for Simulating the Inelastic Behavior of Filled Elastomers
Freund, M; Ihlemann, J; Lorenz, H; Juhre, D; Klueppel, M
In: KGK-KAUTSCHUK GUMMI KUNSTSTOFFE, Vol. 64, 2011, Issue 4, S. 50--55
Peer-reviewed journal article
Finite element-based multi-phase modelling of shape memory polymer stents
Reese, Stefanie; Böl, Markus; Juhre, Daniel
In: Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, 1972, Bd. 199.2010, 21/22, S. 1276-1286
A reduced integration finite element technology based on a thermomechanically consistent stabilisation for 3D problems
Juhre, Daniel; Reese, Stefanie
In: Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 199 (2010), 29/32, S. 2050-2058
Peer-reviewed journal article
A finite element model for shape memory alloys considering thermomechanical couplings at large strains
Juhre, Daniel; Reese, Stefanie
In: International journal of solids and structures - New York, NY [u.a.] : Elsevier, Bd. 46 (2009), Heft 20, S. 3694-3709
Peer-reviewed journal article
Thermomechanically coupled modelling of shape memory alloys in the framework of large strains
Juhre, Daniel; Reese, Stefanie
In: GAMM-Mitteilungen/ Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2004, Bd. 31.2008, 1, S. 176-191
Finite-element modelling of shape memory alloys - a comparison between small-strain and large-strain formulations
Juhre, Daniel; Reese, Stefanie
In: Materials science & engineering. A, Structural materials - Amsterdam : Elsevier, Bd. 481/482 (2008), S. 343-346 [Proceedings of the 7th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, ESOMAT 2006]
Finite deformation pseudo-elasticity of shape memory alloys - constitutive modelling and finite element implementation
Reese, S.; Juhre, Daniel
In: International journal of plasticity - New York, NY: Pergamon Press, 1985, Bd. 24.2008, 3, S. 455-482
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